Deploying a new bridge


1- Each Validator generates a private key and address to sign bridge messages (anchors, settings update…) and shares the address and validator ip with the bridge Proposer.

2- Proposer creates a config.json file draft. (See Create a new config file below).

3- Proposer deploys the eth-merkle-bridge.lua contract on bridged networks (See Deploy the bridge contracts below).

4- Proposer deploys the oracle.lua on both networks and transfers bridge controle to oracles (See Transfer control of the bridge to the multisig oracle below).

5- Proposer removes his private key registered in config.json, and shares config.json with Validators.

6- Each Validator adds his private key to his config.json.

7- The Validators start validating (see validator docs) with the correct validator index (see position of validator in config.json).

8- Proposer starts operating the bridge (see proposer docs).

Create a new config file

A config file can be created with the cli tool or manually.


Deploy the bridge contracts

The sender of the deployment tx will be the bridge owner. Ownership is then transfered to the multisig oracle.

$ python3 -m aergo_bridge_operator.bridge_deployer --help

    usage: [-h] -c CONFIG_FILE_PATH --net1 NET1 --net2 NET2
                            [--privkey_name PRIVKEY_NAME] [--local_test]

    Deploy bridge contracts between 2 Aergo networks.

    optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    -c CONFIG_FILE_PATH, --config_file_path CONFIG_FILE_PATH
                            Path to config.json
    --net1 NET1           Name of Aergo network in config file
    --net2 NET2           Name of Aergo network in config file
    --privkey_name PRIVKEY_NAME
                            Name of account in config file to sign anchors
    --local_test          Start all validators locally for convenient testing

$ python3 -m aergo_bridge_operator.bridge_deployer -c './test_config.json' --net1 'mainnet' --net2 'sidechain2' --privkey_name "proposer"

    Decrypt exported private key 'proposer'
    ------ DEPLOY BRIDGE BETWEEN mainnet & sidechain2 -----------
    ------ Connect AERGO -----------
    ------ Set Sender Account -----------
    > Sender Address: AmPxVdu993eosN3UjnPDdN3wb7TNbHeiHDvn2dvZUcH8KXDK3RLU
    ------ Deploy SC -----------
        > result[G412HSrJUKbEL3P5QLuXn7mt5DxkGvdwMgmdujQz1w3W] : TX_OK
        > result[HVtjZC4r3fB3PYztJjLsmnfdnA29i17aJHLVwebYoX2v] : TX_OK
    ------ Check deployment of SC -----------
    > Bridge Address mainnet: AmgQqVWX3JADRBEVkVCM4CyWdoeXuumeYGGJJxEeoAukRC26hxmw
    > Bridge Address sidechain2: AmgQqVWX3JADRBEVkVCM4CyWdoeXuumeYGGJJxEeoAukRC26hxmw
    ------ Store bridge addresses in config.json  -----------
    ------ Disconnect AERGO -----------

Transfer control of the bridge to the multisig oracle

The oracle_deployer script will deploy the oracle contract (with validators previously registered in config.json), and transfer ownership to the newly deployed contract.

$ python3 -m aergo_bridge_operator.oracle_deployer --help

    usage: [-h] -c CONFIG_FILE_PATH --net1 NET1 --net2 NET2
                            [--privkey_name PRIVKEY_NAME] [--local_test]

    Deploy oracle contracts to controle the bridge between 2 Aergo networks.

    optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    -c CONFIG_FILE_PATH, --config_file_path CONFIG_FILE_PATH
                            Path to config.json
    --net1 NET1           Name of Aergo network in config file
    --net2 NET2           Name of Aergo network in config file
    --privkey_name PRIVKEY_NAME
                            Name of account in config file to sign anchors
    --local_test          Start all validators locally for convenient testing

$ python3 -m aergo_bridge_operator.oracle_deployer -c './test_config.json' --net1 'mainnet' --net2 'sidechain2' --privkey_name "proposer"

    Decrypt exported private key 'proposer'
    ------ DEPLOY ORACLE BETWEEN mainnet & sidechain2 -----------
    ------ Connect AERGO -----------
    ------ Set Sender Account -----------
    > Sender Address: AmPxVdu993eosN3UjnPDdN3wb7TNbHeiHDvn2dvZUcH8KXDK3RLU
    ------ Deploy SC -----------
    validators :  ['AmNLjcxUDmxeGZL7F8bqyaGt3zqog5HAoJmFBEZAx1RvfTKLSBsQ', 'AmNLjcxUDmxeGZL7F8bqyaGt3zqog5HAoJmFBEZAx1RvfTKLSBsQ', 'AmNLjcxUDmxeGZL7F8bqyaGt3zqog5HAoJmFBEZAx1RvfTKLSBsQ']
        > result[GG6THEXUbmj6E2SDxVri67iF1ExLeUoS5WRgCi5vH5zF] : TX_OK
        > result[42dqiZrkb5tn6tDiNGL2ePdAd6akoVs3LVYytuD7iNR9] : TX_OK
    ------ Check deployment of SC -----------
    > Oracle Address mainnet: AmhXrQ7KdNA4naBi2sTwHj13aBzVBohRhxy262nXsPbV2YbULXUR
    > Oracle Address sidechain2: AmhXrQ7KdNA4naBi2sTwHj13aBzVBohRhxy262nXsPbV2YbULXUR
    ------ Store bridge addresses in config.json  -----------
    ------ Transfer bridge control to oracles -----------
    ------ Disconnect AERGO -----------