Deploying a new bridge

Before using the bridge deployer, a config file should be created to register network node connections and validators.

$ python3 -m aergo_bridge_operator.bridge_deployer --help                                                                                                                                                                           18h17m ⚑ ◒

    usage: [-h] -c CONFIG_FILE_PATH --net1 NET1 --net2 NET2
                            --t_anchor1 T_ANCHOR1 --t_final1 T_FINAL1
                            --t_anchor2 T_ANCHOR2 --t_final2 T_FINAL2
                            [--privkey_name PRIVKEY_NAME]

    Deploy bridge contracts between 2 Aergo networks.

    optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    -c CONFIG_FILE_PATH, --config_file_path CONFIG_FILE_PATH
                            Path to config.json
    --net1 NET1           Name of Aergo network in config file
    --net2 NET2           Name of Aergo network in config file
    --t_anchor1 T_ANCHOR1
                            Anchoring periode (in Aergo blocks) of net2 on net1
    --t_final1 T_FINAL1   Finality of net2 (in Aergo blocks) root anchored on
    --t_anchor2 T_ANCHOR2
                            Anchoring periode (in Aergo blocks) of net1 on net2
    --t_final2 T_FINAL2   Finality of net1 (in Aergo blocks) root anchored on
    --privkey_name PRIVKEY_NAME
                            Name of account in config file to sign anchors

$ python3 -m bridge_operator.bridge_deployer -c './test_config.json' -a 'aergo-local' -e eth-poa-local --t_anchor_aergo 6 --t_final_aergo 4 --t_anchor_eth 7 --t_final_eth 5 --privkey_name "proposer"

    Decrypt exported private key 'proposer'
    ------ DEPLOY BRIDGE BETWEEN mainnet & sidechain2 -----------
    ------ Connect AERGO -----------
    ------ Set Sender Account -----------
    > Sender Address: AmPxVdu993eosN3UjnPDdN3wb7TNbHeiHDvn2dvZUcH8KXDK3RLU
    ------ Deploy SC -----------
    validators :  ['AmNLjcxUDmxeGZL7F8bqyaGt3zqog5HAoJmFBEZAx1RvfTKLSBsQ', 'AmNLjcxUDmxeGZL7F8bqyaGt3zqog5HAoJmFBEZAx1RvfTKLSBsQ', 'AmNLjcxUDmxeGZL7F8bqyaGt3zqog5HAoJmFBEZAx1RvfTKLSBsQ']
        > result[G3eppLMXZR29apc8tUie9D8fb19QdB9aYeqHpfRodRzP] : TX_OK
        > result[BfSLueLYFXgXHwDJobMgYakyBgoWyKy6oAo9sQvQdeMn] : TX_OK
    ------ Check deployment of SC -----------
    > SC Address CHAIN1: AmhmKmDGmPSrV6DVckcQbRHmtdf6UjU26L2jY4PCQhWVFopu6zks
    > SC Address CHAIN2: AmfycTw3Qofd31RwwmMQHHbkP1Rf1MUhT8L93JFQkhpynvTZendk
    ------ Store bridge addresses in config.json  -----------
    ------ Disconnect AERGO -----------